昨天下午,Tik Tok CEO周受資在沙特阿拉伯舉辦的《Fuelling Connections and Collaborative Impact》全球科技峰會LEAP上接受訪談,《窄播》在LEAP現場記錄了周受資的訪談,本文為精簡后的訪談紀錄。
北京時間3月6日17:15,Tik Tok CEO周受資在沙特阿拉伯舉辦的全球科技峰會LEAP上接受訪談,主題為《Fuelling Connections and Collaborative Impact》。
因此,這也是全球科技公司和中國出海企業正在野心勃勃想要進入的地區。Tik Tok、SHEIN和Temu均在本地受到歡迎;有傳言說,美團王興已經數次前往中東考察,意圖在中東開展外賣業務出海。
Tik Tok在中東的爆發始于2021年,一批中國MCN前往中東掘金;同年,字節跳動投資了中東本土物流公司iMile。在內容基建和實體基建完成后,2023年下半年,Tik Tok在沙特阿拉伯開啟跨境電商全托管模式。《窄播》在LEAP現場記錄了周受資的訪談,以下為精簡后的訪談紀錄:
《Fuelling Connections and Collaborative Impact》
主持人:Isabelle Kumar
受訪者:Shou Chew(周受資)
01 兒童安全
Q: Can do no more than it is doing already to try and protect kids online from the dangers they potentially face?
A:The way we look at this is, first of all, safety is a very core part of experience. Despite creativity is a great joy, but we believe that people can’t do that unless if you sleep on the platform.
What mean the approach that we’ve taken is the design safety into the product itself. It make it inhospitable for bad people to try to do bad things on the platform.
For example, if you are below 16 years old, we actually limit certain product features for you. You cannot use a direct messaging. If you are below 18 years old, you cannot use some features like live streaming.
We also put in a 60 minute time limit by default or users below the age of 18. We believe we have been industry leading the building, its product safety by design into the product itself.
Now, with the reality is that the reason why we need to invest more than $2 billion in trust and safety this year is because even though the majority of people come to enjoy the effort at a good time, there are bad people who try to do bad things.
And I think any company that takes that, the work is done, that is perfect, that this is full proof. I think it’s a dangerous place to be. What we need to do is to continue to invest to see ahead of the curve to make sure that we have the latest technology and we’re moving. We were moving in not separate the trend of the industry to make sure that we are catching on the behavior before it happens on a platform. So it’s an ongoing process.
Q:It’s an ongoing process, but you feel that you think you can do no more than you’re doing already, or are there some avenues you still need to invest it?
A:It will always be an ongoing investment to make sure that, for example, with more tools or even create content, using AI more synthetically out there, we need to do a series of things to make sure they stay on top of that.
First, our community guidelines prohibit certain types of what we call synthetic media. That could be this representing information that that is dangerous to the people who consume it. We need to make sure that our guidelines be on top of that. We also need to make sure that we have invested in the technology to be able to identify, catch and remove them as quickly as possible.
02 關于AI
Q:We hear we’re talking all about new technologies. Obviously, ai and generative ai are really top of mind. What impact is that already having at Tik Tok in terms of creative capabilities? Where do you see this going?
我們聽說我們在談論新技術。顯然,在創新能力方面人工智能和生成式人工智能確實是最重要的,這對Tik Tok已經產生了什么影響?你認為未來會怎樣?
A:Our recommendation algorithm is based on machine learning. So a it’s a field that we have been looking at for quite some time. But the latest developments in generally AI is very exciting. I think it sort of cuts across the spectrum. There is new cases that you can imagine, for example, with this capability to create the co creative videos. In the past, if you want to create a video, you have to film it. You have to go, you have to do a lot of editing. But I think in the future, there are more tools for you to translate your creativity into a real video in a much simpler way.
And that’s exciting, for example, at the same time, we will bring about this own set of challenges.
So we need to make sure that we can handle that. And the good news is that generative ai also brings about tools in technology. I for example, in content operation, the fact that you can train the machines and a little bit more contents when it comes to moderated content. This content moderation more precise, because it’s not just based on binary rules, yes or no. There’s a but it’s based on the context. What is the context of this video? I think it’s going to be interesting. We are looking at how it will change the experience that you have on tape on both from the content moderation side and also from the creation side. I think this is a very exciting thing to happen. It’s very exciting.
03 成癮機制
Q:And also though I think many people here have got kids, my kids love Tik Tok so much already and I think even adults do this too, and i’m gonna just want to be on Tik Tok even longer than I am already.
Now, I want to just approach quickly the question of digital addiction, because digital addiction is not actually considers a mental health disorder, but people are addicted to being online, to Tik Tok. Do you think it should be recognized in details and mental health disorder?
我想在座的很多人都有孩子了,我的孩子非常喜歡Tik Tok,我想甚至成年人也是這樣,我在Tik Tok上呆的時間將會比現在還要長嗎?現在,我想快速地討論一下數字成癮的問題,因為數字成癮實際上并不被認為是一種精神健康障礙,但人們目前沉迷網絡,沉迷Tik Tok。你認為這種現象應該在細節上和心理健康障礙區分開來嗎?
A:I disagree with the characterization of addiction because I think our users have a lot of choices. We use this and you can use on that. They have any other apps on the market out. There’s a whole series of digital activities that’s gaining. There’s a whole bunch of choices that people have. Having said that I do think it’s really important for people to have developed their own healthy relationships with advisers, especially if you’re a teenager and I think it’s really important that means had the discussion a teenager teenagers level, what is the right policy we have for the teens themselves。
Our approach to this is we want to provide new tools to be able to handle the relationship and devices. But if you are little 18, then we take stronger steps. Like, for example, if you’re a little bit keen, we set the default screen has been to 60 minutes, and when it is 60, can that you can have a break and decide for yourself in what is the right model usage for you. We also give parents tools if you go for parents in the room, if you go to settings the three bars, good for family parent, you can actually pair your device with a teenagers device, which allows you to then control the amount of time if your teenager should use it.
Regardless of whether you’re using an apple device or an android device, I think those devices have the most screen time, living tools building as well, which I encourage people to learn to use.
And even if you are not little 18, what we do is, if you spend see it more than a couple of hours using Tik Tok enroll, we actually pro actively show you videos. We encourage you to you sleep at night, we approach you. Prepare. This is the daytime where we should do something else. You can a take a break from this. Because I think ultimately this is all about this is not about trying to optimize as much time as possible. We know that it’s not like that. What we want is our users have a very healthy relationship that because that’s the only way you’re gonna have a long term sustainable retention. The only way you’re gonna use something for a long time, meaning for years and years to come is when you feel you have a very healthy relationship with it, everything in moderation.
即使用戶大于18歲,我們所做的是,如果你花幾個小時以上的時間使用Tik Tok,我們會主動向你展示視頻,如果是在晚上,我們會鼓勵你盡早休息,如果是白天,我們會鼓勵你做別的事情休息一下。因為我認為最終這一切都不是關于占據用戶盡可能多的時間,我們想要的是我們的用戶有一個非常健康的關系,因為這是你長期可持續保留的唯一途徑。唯一能讓你長期使用某樣東西的方法,也就是年復一年地使用它,就是當你覺得你和它的關系非常健康的時候,一切都要適度。
04 在沙特的規劃
Q:Yeah, that’s very interesting because it also kind of works out for so many things in a large sense that the relationship has to stay healthy. And I thought you big, a very exciting relationship here in the region, a lot more new businesses online.
A:This is my second times here in this wonderful country in 2 months to answer something.
And yesterday we made a couple of announcements here, first we are now supporting up to 175,000 businesses within the country, which we are very proud of.
And then there’s some creators today. The creators we’ve been talking about food, people, talking about technology trends, and introduce a whole bunch of stuff to me.
At the same time, we feel the responsibility. We know that people use the platform for a variety of things. I had a creator just now who teaches English on the platform. I met someone who is a physician who works in health ministries to talk about health issues in Tik Tok, it’s very well received.
We also want to invest in the next generation, because this is a country where its very vibrant, its very young, its very, very tight set. Thats why we love to launch our new product features here first. And for the region, because it is just so many early allowance of other features.
同時,我們也感到了責任。我們知道人們使用平臺來做各種各樣的東西。有位創作者剛剛在我們的平臺上教英語,我也見過一名在衛生部工作的醫生在Tik Tok談論健康議題,這是非常易被接受的。有人想一想,它很受歡迎。
We’re working with an NGO. This is as part of the vision, 2030 plans. We were gonna work with them to create videos, to ultimately empower of the 2 million young people. These are topics of entrepreneurship and probability, great things to try and support them. So it’s very exciting.
And over the next period of time, we expected to invest more to become even more local in this vertical country.
05 Tik Tok帶來了什么
Q:I want to know what is the best thing, what is the one thing you love? The most about Tik Tok?
我想知道你最喜歡Tik Tok的哪個部分?
A:All the discoverability is definitely interesting. I’ve learned so much. bad jokes, a little bit of golf and then the golfing tips. They’re very exciting. This is very interesting at lunch. And its all about sort of learning new things, the discoverability and it’s different for everyone.
My family uses it, like my wife uses it, like friends who use it. I have colleagues to use it. And when I asked him, what does Tik Tok bring? For you, it’s only something different cooking for a month, for some people, it could be sort of more educational stuff. But the one consistent thing is that it brings them an immense amount of choice, which is the thing that we have been striving to provide. So that gives me a lot of pride in the work of it.
我的家人用它,我的妻子用它,我的朋友也用它,我的同事使用它。當我問他,Tik Tok能帶來什么?對你來說,可能只是一個月的不同烹飪,對有些人來說,可能是更有教育意義的東西。但始終如一的一點是,它帶來了大量的選擇,這也是我們一直在努力提供的。所以這讓我對它感到非常自豪。
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